User Feedback Form Date of report* Day Month Year Organization that provided the new wheelchair or postural support device* Client Name or I.D.* Wheelchair Serial Number* Completed by* Client Caregiver/Parent Other Name of the person that completed the report (if different from the wheelchair user) PRODUCT INFORMATIONNote: Your wheelchair may look slightly different from the product image featured below. 1. Which type of product did you receive?* DDO D-Lite Ultralight Rigid DDO D-Play Sports DDO D-Seat DDO D-Xbasic Active Foldable DDO D-XLite Ultralight Folding Expression INTCO Active INTCO All-Terrain INTCO Transport Liberty Liberty II Motivation Active Folding Motivation Active Rigid Motivation Moti-Go Motivation Moti-Start Motivation Rough Terrain Motivation Rough Terrain with Clip-On Tricycle RoughRider 2. Daily use environment (check all that apply)* Indoor only Primarily outdoor Both indoor and outdoor Up and down hills In and out of a car In and out of a bus Transport on motorcycle (e.g. two wheels, adapted) Passes over dirt surfaces daily Often passes through water Passes over uneven surfaces daily 3. How often do you use your wheelchair or postural support device?* Rarely Once a week More than once a week Daily for less than 4 hours (go to question 3b.) Daily for more than 4 hours (go to question 3b.) 3a. If you do not use your wheelchair or postural support device as often as you would like to, why? (check all that apply)Answer this question only if you do not use the wheelchair as much as you would like to use it. Wheelchair does not fit through doors Wheelchair is difficult to move Wheelchair is not working well Fear of falling out of chair Walking mobility is easier for me Wheelchair is not needed often Using the wheelchair causes pain My environment is inaccessible Other Please list your other reasons 3b. If you are experiencing problems with your product, you can attach pictures or video showing the problem Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. 4. Please select any problems that you have had since receiving your product (check all that apply)* Pressure sores/ulcers Posture changes Shoulder pain Other None Please list the other problems you have had 5. What health improvements you have had since you received your wheelchair or postural support device? (check all that apply)* Reduced pain Improved breathing Improved posture Other None Please list the other health improvements you've had 6. From 1 to 5 (5 is very satisfied), how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the product you received?* 1 (Not Satisfied) 2 3 (Satisfied) 4 5 (Very Satisfied) 7. If you could change one thing about your new wheelchair or postural support device, what would it be?*8. What impact has your wheelchair or postural support device had on your life? (check all that apply)* Now I can go to school Now I can go to work I was able to get a job I can go out with family and friends My life has not changed after receiving the wheelchair Other Please list other ways your wheelchair or postural support device has impacted your life 9. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your new wheelchair or postural support device?*