Resources For: Service Providers | Gov/Policy Makers | Wheelchair Users | Buyers | Miscellaneous

AT Use and Provision During COVID19

Initial overview of specific social protection measures for persons with disabilities and their families in response to COVID-19 crisis

UN Policy Brief: A Disability-Inclusive Response to COVID-19

Including people with disabilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Rehabilitation considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak

COVID-19: maintaining essential rehabilitation services across the care continuum

COVID-19 and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Guidance
CBR Africa Network: Report on the Impact of COVID-19 on PWD in Africa

The impact of the World Health Organization 8-steps in wheelchair service provision in wheelchair users in a less resourced setting: a cohort study in Indonesia

Introduction to the Walking Aid Training Package

Comparative Tricycle Study: Results of Field Tests

Wheelchair Service Training Package For Managers

Pressure Injury Prevention: Seated But Not Still

Basic wheelchair maintenance training for manual and power wheelchair users

Pressure Ulcer Treatment Strategies

National Guidelines on the Provision of Assistive Technology in Papua New Guinea
Overcoming gender-related barriers to wheelchair services
Comment surpasser les barrières dans les services de fauteuils roulants
Cómo superar las barreras de género en los servicios de sillas de ruedas

Guidelines on the provision of Manual Wheelchairs in less resourced settings

Joint position paper on the provision of mobility devices in less resourced settings

The Economic Impact of Wheelchairs for the
Disabled in Ethiopia

Life in a wheelchair: From isolation to participation

The challenge of spinal cord injury care in the developing world

Use of Mobility Devices in Developing Countries; A comparative literature review introducing the contextual factors surrounding accessibility and use of mobility devices in Ghana, Bangladesh, and Guatemala

The impact of the World Health Organization 8-steps in wheelchair service provision in wheelchair users in a less resourced setting: a cohort study in Indonesia

Is any wheelchair better than no wheelchair?
A Zimbabwean perspective

A distribution strategy for driving product diversity and demand creation

A model to standardize the procurement and quality of assistive technologies in less-resourced settings

Relationships Between Wheelchair Services Received and Wheelchair User Outcomes in Less-Resourced Settings: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Kenya and the Philippines

The Case for Investing in Assistive Technology

Wheelchair Product Narrative: A Market Landscape and Strategic Approach to Increasing Access to Wheelchairs and Related Services in Low and Middle Income Countries

Assistive Technology in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Results of a Rapid Assessment

Policy brief: Access to assistive technology

Scoping Research Report on Assistive Technology: On the Road for Universal Assistive Technology Coverage
Global Report on Assistive Technology

Wheelchair Service Training Package Trainer’s Manual: Basic Level

Tips for Flying with a Wheelchair

The impact of the World Health Organization 8-steps in wheelchair service provision in wheelchair users in a less resourced setting: a cohort study in Indonesia

Is any wheelchair better than no wheelchair?
A Zimbabwean perspective
À propos de CLASP

Wheelchair Comparison Chart

Dedicated Postural Support (DPS) Comparison Chart

Assistive Products for Children with Disabilities

Exploring the impact of wheelchair design on user
function in a rural South African setting

Wheelchair Service Training Package Trainer’s Manual: Intermediate Level

Design Considerations for Wheelchairs used in Adverse Conditions